Find out more about us in the video below
(Subtitles in English available)

Who we Are
A biotechnology startup developing and producing a 100% ORGANIC COMPOUND, produced via microbiological fermentation and totally applicable to all plastic industry processes, at a competitive price to the conventional plastic resins and a main differential: TOTALLY SAFE FOR THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT.

One of the worst kinds of pollution today
Highly toxic, most of the products made from it have a very short lifespan, but will take more than 400 years to decompose

Only 9% of all plastic produced is recicled
At this pace, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by the year 2050

Some solutions sold today as biodegradable, in fact fragment plastic parts into microplastics
That, besides the fact of beingharder to collect from the environment, are extremely toxic, and end up being consumed by fish, birds and humans

Through a 100% natural biotechnological process, we use industrial and agricultural waste to produce a totally organic polymer, able to replace plastic in the packaging, disposables and many other industries, being biodegradable in a short time, with no harm to the environment

2021 - Bioreset Biotecnologia Ltda